Give us a call 970-872-3322
Passing the real estate exam is rather like earning a private pilot’s license. The new pilot can take off, they can hopefully land the plane, and they can see some countryside. But it might also be very dangerous to fly with them. We see it all the time—people who have made bad decisions piled one on top of another and much of it had to do with their real estate broker’s poor representation. We see it like this—we’re pilots as well, except we’re flying F-15’s on night missions, refueling in midair, dropping our payload, and making night carrier landings. There might be a dogfight involved here and there as well.
While many agents sell nothing but residential homes, we haven’t sold a house in town for quite some time. We sell ranches, farms, resorts, income properties, vineyards & wineries, hunting land, and luxury lifestyle homes. Our expertise lies in listing and selling unusual and complex properties. This takes a special skill set, and our education comes from both higher-level studies and on-the-ground experience. Our expertise includes:
• Colorado and Western States water law and water rights
• Mineral rights and mineral leasing
• Cattle grazing allotments, permits, and production
• Hunting potential, game management units, landowner tags, and hunting leases
• Luxury home construction and sales
• Real estate development
• Orchards, vineyards, & wineries
• Rural businesses and income properties
• 1031 tax-deferred exchanges and Deferred Sales Trusts (DSTs)
There is a lot of life experience behind our team. We’re not joking when we ask new agents our most important interview question: “Can you ride and shoot?” Yes, really, we mean it. Can that guy or girl saddle up a good horse, slide a rifle into the scabbard, and ride up into the high country to get the job done? Not only did we stay awake in class, we took notes from some of the world’s finest instructors, whether they were contractors, ranchers, horse trainers, vintners, award-winning architects, Pulitzer Prize winners, Navy SEALs, CEO’s, professional hunters, professors of law, business, and water rights, dog trainers, even the old Peruvian sheepherders. We found wisdom there, and we’re willing to share it with you.
Do we need to say more? Your home, your vacation property, your hunting ranch, your investments—this is serious business, and you need serious representation. This isn’t a job where you throw your cousin’s sister-in-law a bone because she has a real estate license and needs some time away from the kids. You need to know all the details. You need
Our affiliations and networks—WE RIDE WITH THE BRAND
Realtors Land Institute, National Auctioneers Association, United Country
We are proud members of the Realtors Land Institute, a nationwide association of farm, ranch, and land brokers. The Colorado RLI chapter is known as one of the leading chapters in the country, and we regularly participate in marketing meetings, ranch tours, and educational classes. Managing broker Gary Hubbell holds the prestigious Accredited Land Consultant (ALC) designation, denoting a superior expertise in complex land transactions. Additionally, we are members of the National Auctioneers Association and are active auctioneers. We have sold over 150 real estate properties at auction. Our international franchise, United Country, has over 550 offices nationwide as well as Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico, Australia, and China. We routinely network with our United Country colleagues to access knowledge and information all over the US.